Peace Pole at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community Cornwall, VT
A Peace Pole dedication was held on Saturday October 27th, 2018 at The Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Center in Cornwall, Vermont.
“The weather was a bit blustery with even a few snow flurries, but this didn’t dampen our group’s enthusiasm for dedicating our Beautiful new Peace Pole.” Per Rick a member of the community.

The center opened in late 2017. It is a Zen Buddhist community, a group that are a part of what is called the Zen Peacemaker Order. They are an affiliate, and deeply appreciative of, the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community, or Bread Loaf Mountain Monastery, uses the vision of the Upaya Zen Buddhist Practice through their service, and training center. The vision of Upaya focuses on the integration of practice and social action, bringing together wisdom and compassion.
The Center provides an environment for practice, education in Buddhism and social service with regard to peace work. “The primary purpose of our community is to realize and actualize our basic goodness in everyday life, and to relieve suffering wherever we find ourselves.”- per Bread loaf website.
The Peace Pole was planted as a symbol of remembrance with a ceremony lead by the Sensei Brian Joshin Byrnes.

This Community in Cornwall, VT strives to live by the precepts of a Zen Peacemaker, including but not limited to: A reverence for all life, A sustainable and ethical economy, Equal rights for all and Stewardship of the Earth.
Thank you to Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community for sharing your Peace Pole planting Ceremony and continuing to help spread the message of Peace.
Photos and News credited to Ric Dunworth, of the Bread Loaf Zen Community.