At Presbyterian Church of the Master, Owner and Pastor Robert Keefer teaches the value of Patience as well the Message of Peace. Omaha, NE, USA

The Presbyterian Church of the Master in Omaha, Nebraska has been helping to spread the message of Peace for over 20 years. With their first Peace Pole Planting on October 5, 1997, World Communion Sunday. The congregation celebrated by burying a time capsule and singing “Let there be Peace on Earth”.

Groundbreaking on new renovations. From L to R: Pastor Robert Keefer, Architect, Construction Manager, Youth from Congregation of Church of the Master, Omaha, NE

When it came time to renew their Symbol of Peace, The original Peace Pole needed to be removed during the ground breaking of renovations. This planned perfectly to be again on World Peace Sunday, October 2,2016.  In the Presbyterian Church, per,”The first Sunday of October is designated as World Communion Sunday, which celebrates our oneness in Christ and all our Brothers and Sisters around the World”. A very powerful message to portray as they design and prepare their new Peace Pole for planting. This would be two years until they were ready to place.  Waiting on a significant day and for the Church renovations to be nearly complete,  the perfect spot on their new patio was chosen, “so all languages are visible”, Per Robert Keefer. A lesson in patience as well as Peace portrayed through his meticulous planning.

Newly Place Peace Pole on Patio for all to see languages of English, Spanish, Hebrew and Arabic.

Though this time the Planting was part of their “Back to Church Sunday” the message was the same and parishioners celebrated just as they had 21 years prior, with a chorus of “Let their be Peace on Earth”.

Beautiful grounds of Presbyterian Church of the Master.

The message that we are one is extremely valuable not only when we celebrate special occasions, such as this, but in our every day lives. The Presbyterian Church of the Master is extremely fortunate to have Pastor Bob and his teachings of Love and Acceptance.