Peace Pole project – Sussex County Delaware-USA
2016 to Present July 2024
Six years ago (2016) we in Delaware started to celebrate International Peace Day with “Peace Week Delaware”. During Peace week we presented workshops and concerts, collected humanitarian aid, etc. As part of the organizing team in Sussex County (one of three counties) I suggested we plant a Peace Pole each year in a different place. The first was planted in Rehoboth Beach at Camp Rehoboth, a community service organization – this was done as part of a peace march down the Boardwalk. This peace pole was dedicated as part of the rally at the end of the march.

Why peace poles? I have always felt that when one keeps walking past these peace poles – over time they get the message. These are a silent reminder that there are issues more important than the taste of your coffee – yes, a silent but very visible reminder. Also, these are sign posts that the people connected to this pole are working for peace. “Peace and Justice are two sides of the same coin” – Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Then I gave one to my church, Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware (Lewes).
This was originally a seven-foot-tall pole – it was run over by a car. I cleaned up the upper portion (the lettering was not damaged) then added a bottom section with aluminum tabs so the bottom could be attached to the top section and then I made a portable stand out of 1” square aluminum tubing (helpful to be an engineer/machinist). This fits into a snowboard bag that can be airline checked. This pole goes with me each year to our annual denominational convention to be displayed in our Peace group’s booth. We sell smaller poles and suggest they contact the Peace Pole Project directly to buy poles for their churches.
We also take this pole to events/concerts during Peace Week. Once we took it to Juneteenth celebration and the kids decorate their own small peace poles – never too young to start.
We also take this portable pole to Peace Week Delaware events.

Our UU Peace Ministry Network’s parade banner – I am the founder and president of this 501c3 non-profit.
We did replace the original pole with this new one (Church in the background).]

Our minister really liked having a peace pole on the chancel – so we bought this one as a gift – insisted.

After a peace march in Lewes, I gifted a pole to St Peter’s Episcopal Church – started in 1680 (the Church not the pole). The wanted Hebrew next to Arabic.

Then moving West – This pole has Urdu and Haitian Creole besides Spanish and English – we have immigrants here from many regions.

I personally plant the poles – plumb and straight. They decorate this pole each year during Peace Week
Mt Calvary AME Church – Seaford DE (even further West).

Rev. Idola Bason holding her pole. The following year (2021) we had a booth at the Richard Allen School Juneteenth celebration where the kids made small personal peace poles, peace rocks, and peace birds. Seaside Jewish Community – Rehoboth Beach – this is the first 8 language pole planted.

Please note the chainsaw – there is a 4×4 lumber pole in the ground and the peace pole slips over this post. Seaside sent out invitations for their dedication and our Lt Gov. Bethany Hall-Long was there! Westside New Beginnings – Community Center – plus Children and Youth Programs.