Pope Francis Given Gift of Peace Pole. Tokyo, Japan
Pope Francis will be visiting Japan from November 23-26th. Prior to His Holiness’ visit, May Peace Prevail On Earth International (MPPOE, INT)/The Goi Peace Foundaton in Japan gave the gift of a Peace Pole on October 16th, 2019. This gift was presented by MPPOE, Int. President Mr. Hiroo Saionji to ArchBishop Joseph Chennoth for The Holy Father, Pope Francis.

Archbishop Chennoth was happy to hear about the role of a Peace Pole and how they are planted worldwide. To his delight including the Vatican Garden, which was gifted to Pope John Paul II in May of 1986.
It was noted how kind and warm Archbishop’s reception of Mr. Saionji was, creating a welcoming and pleasant meeting. Mr. Saionji, known for his extensive Peace work, explained how May Peace Prevail On Earth, International has a relationship with Interfaith Activities. Working with the United Nations, he showed a brochure from the 2013 UN Interfaith Harmony Week.
This Peace Pole, that was crafted specifically for Pope Francis, was adorned with the languages of Italian, Spanish, English and Japanese. These were carefully chosen as Pope Francis is from Argentina, the first Pope from the Americas, but took his Papal title from St Francis of Asisi in Italy.
Thank you to Archbishop Chennoth as well as Mr. Hiroo Saionji with the Goi Peace Foundation for allowing us to be part of this very special day.
May Peace Prevail in Japan
May Peace Prevail in the Vatican
May Peace Prevail On Earth