Peace Pole Brings Sense of Togetherness for CCC of Tiburon, CA

I’ve walked by our Peace Pole at CCC a thousand times, but I’ve never really paid attention to it. Until today, when we received an email from Jennifer, the Communications and Sales Manager at May Peace Prevail on Earth, International, checking in to ask if we still have the Peace Pole we purchased a while back. I decided to take a photo of it to send to her, so she could see how lovely it looks on our grounds.

I was struck suddenly with some emotion about it—this symbol of hope for peace, with the message “May Peace Prevail on Earth” inscribed in four different languages. I paid closer attention to the actual writing on the pole, and it made me smile. True to the somewhat eclectic nature of our church community, our choice of languages is interesting. When we purchased the Peace Pole we could choose any four of the world’s languages. Here’s what we chose: English; Spanish; Aramaic; and Animal Tracks/Paw Prints. How great that we include the “four-leggeds and the winged ones” in our stand for peace.

I’m filled with gratitude to be connected with a community that cares deeply about peace and love and freedom and dignity for ALL. CCC is a stand for peace in the world, and a place that promotes and nurtures deep inner peace as well. We are learning how to nurture inner peace so that the action we take in the world arises from a wellspring of love—which is not easy in these extremely challenging times, when anger and frustration are the first and most rational reactions to what’s going on. But we choose love, and peace that passes understanding.

CCC stands united with a worldwide movement for peace, and this symbol connects us to a global community. There are over 250,000 Peace Poles in every country of the world—including such locations as the North Magnetic Pole, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, and the site of the Pyramids in Giza. Looking at our Peace Pole, I feel that solidarity and it increases my sense of HOPE.

May Peace Prevail on Earth

Many Blessings to All,


Community Congregational Church, Tiburon, CA 94920
