Black Rock School International Day of Peace Rededication. Bridgeport, CT
On September 23rd 2019, The Black Rock School rededicated it’s Peace Pole in honor of the UN’s International Day of Peace.

The day’s event was spearheaded by Black Rock School Educator Gail Ostrow, who has also been a long time supporter of the work of May Peace Prevail On Earth, International and the Peace Pole Project. In attendance representing May Peace Prevail On Earth, International and the Peace Pole Project was Jim Dugan
The press release for the event read: “Today we celebrate the International Day of Peace as proclaimed by the United Nations. Even though there is war and conflict in many parts of the world, we gather here to pledge ourselves to creating and maintaining peace in our own hearts and lives. In the words of the great peacemaker Mahatma Gandhi, each of us “must be the peace we wish to see in the world.”
The students held a moment of silence to “send our prayers for peace to all beings everywhere.” The moment of silence was followed by comments from school educators, and students read proclamations from both the Mayor of Bridgeport and the Governor of Connecticut honoring the day of peace.
Jim Dugan then took to the podium and shared the history of the Peace Pole Project and what Peace Poles mean to humanity and our planet and thanked the staff of Black Rock School for their longstanding dedication to the Message of “May Peace Prevail On Earth.” Also speaking about the importance and responsibilities of being a human on the planet at this time and what we all need to do as individuals, to help Peace to Prevail on Earth.

May Peace Prevail On Earth, Int. then presented Sandy Smolen, fifth grade teacher, with a framed certificate stating ten trees will be planted on the African continent in honor of their school. This all was completed by leading the students in shouting together “May Peace Prevail on Earth” three times.
Black Rock School students are taught to use American Sign Language and, all together, the students signed “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. It was extremely moving to see all these students sign the message of “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. They all knew these gestures by heart which solidified their dedication to peace on our planet and respect to all humanity.

The students then held up large signs they made asking for peace on our planet. All together, lead by Mrs. Ostrow, the students loudly stated:
May Peace Prevail in Our Hearts, May Peace Prevail in Our Families, May Peace Prevail in Our Homes, May Peace Prevail in Our Communities, May Peace Prevail in Our Cities, May Peace Prevail in The Unites States of America and May Peace Prevail on Earth.
With each Statement followed by a “May Peace Prevail On Earth”
After the event Gail Ostrow shared a special Thank you, specifically for Jim Dugan’s contribution on their special day.
Gail Stated “Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and encouragement and asking our students to be smart and learn and speak out and be your heroes! I am so grateful to be part of May Peace Prevail on Earth International and the Peace Pole Project.”
Photographs credited to Mr. Robb Ostrow.
May Peace Prevail at Black Rock School
May Peace Prevail On Earth