Peace Pole by Energy for Peace Organization-Colombia


Dear All,

News from my Austrian “Energy for Peace” friends who support WPPS Peace Pole Project and other activities of The World Peace Prayer Society. 

I was asked if WPPS gives the official permission for a project of Colombian artist Danilo Ortiz till October 15th. 

Back in November 2007, I sent you all photos of him when he planted a lovely handmade artistic Peace Pole in his Colombian home town.

Then he planted Peace Pole in 2008 at a University of Narino in San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. The peace pole at the university is part of his project “Wall for Peace” (Murales por Paz).

He lives and works most of the time in Austria, and is a member of “Energy for Peace” there and travels to Colombia this autumn to start his latest

project:  A 16 meter tall Peace Pole, made of melted weapons of former Colombian Guerilla Rebels.


This Peace Pole will be donated to the Governor of the Colombian Province Pasto and will be planted at the border between Colombia and Ecuador. 

The Peace Pole will contain plaques of MPPOE in several languages. These plaques shall also feature the signatures of prominent people, such as:

Nelson Mandela, author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Bolivian President, Evo Morales, Peace Nobel Winner Rigoberta Menchu, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and others. 

The plaques will be designed and crafted together with Austrian School Children in a Peace Workshop.

May Peace Prevail in Colombia!  May Peace Prevail On Earth!

Dagmar Berkenberg, WPPS

Munich, Germany office