"ENERGY FOR PEACE" Austria uses Peace Pole as symbol for their work-March, 2008

The Austrian region of Vorarlberg – very close to Switzerland and Germany – has not only a wonderful countryside and attracts many tourists, it is also often a forerunner in projects. Already a couple of years ago, together with their local electricity provider and the “Climate Alliance Austria” a few dedicated Vorarlbergers started the initiative “Energy for Peace.” They encourage offices of public affairs (community, town hall, etc.) and schools to invest in a photovoltaic device on the respective property to create their own electricity, they can either fully use up their electricity of “feed” it back in the general electricity net.

With the photovoltaic device always comes a Peace Pole to show the whole idea behind it: Change your consciousness towards peace by developing a sustainable infrastructure.

In the flyer of “Energy for Peace,” the founder of the World Peace Prayer Society, Mr. Masahisa Goi and his principles are featured. On the photo you see the Peace Pole of the first Academic High School in Vorarlberg’s town Egg which found a sponsor for 1 photovoltaic device.
